Walk, Bike or Roll to School 2023
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As part of our BocaFirst Vision Zero Project, we took our Boca Matters video series out of the studio and onto the street to talk to people about what it’s like to get around Boca Raton in something other than a car. In this episode, we went to Boca Raton Addison Mizner Elementary’s Walk, Bike or Roll to School event. Addison Mizner enjoys a high level of participation in walking, biking and rolling to school. I spoke with Holli Sutton who chaired the event for the PTA, City Council Member Marc Wigder and Candidate for City Council in the upcoming March 2024 election Brian Stenberg. We discussed they thought about it and the state of mobility in Boca Raton.
You can watch all our Better Bike Friendly Advocate interviews on the BocaFirst YouTube channel here. Or, sign up to be a Better Bike Friendly Boca Advocate and make your voice heard here.
With 35 years experience at IBM in simplifying complex statistics, systems and data for executive decision making, Les Wilson does research, analysis, video production, graphics and editing at BocaFirst. He is a retired IBM Senior Technical Staff Member in product Research and Development. He has a BS Degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University. Les has lived in Boca since the early '90s, raised a family in several neighborhoods and is an expert resident of South East Boca. He is one of several Bike Advocates at BocaFirst.