Write a Letter to the Editor by Les Wilson July 16, 2019 View Published Letters BocaFirst welcomes letters to the editor for publication on its blog. See the fine print below. The recommended maximum length is 150 words. All letters must provide the name of the writer which will be provided along with the letter when published. Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your Message Δ THE FINE PRINT: In writing BocaFirst, the writer maintains the copyright ownership of the letter. BocaFirst may use the letter in promotional material where writer is identified as a BocaFirst reader. BocaFirst reads all letters submitted and will publish no more than three letters per publication. Dependent upon the number of letters submitted, not all letters may be published/posted. Letters may be edited for clarity. BocaFirst reserves the right to refuse any Letter to the Editor it discovers to have been copyrighted or printed/posted in another publication or blog. In addition, BocaFirst reserves the right to refuse any Letter to the Editor it deems to be, but not limited to: Profane, Obscene, Threatening, Discriminatory, Promotional, or potentially libelous.