Reading time: < 1 minThings that once were common place are now ignored, like; stopping at red lights and stop signs, coming to a full stop at a red light BEFORE
Reading time: 4 minsMayor Singer is clearly the main driver accelerating the Government Campus project into the current request for proposal process telling staff to make the process end on April 1. And if criticized for fast-tracking the redevelopment, Mayor Singer says they’ve been “talking about it” for two years. While true, context matters.
Boca ViewpointPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
EVALUATION: The Government Campus Proposals.
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 7 minsAs a resident advocate blog, we advocate for livability, walkability and whatnot. In this case, 40 year resident land use attorney Bonnie Miskell is one of us and gives the lowdown on the government campus proposals.
Boca ViewpointPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
A Look at Boca Raton’s Planned Mobility Development Outcomes
by Jim Woodby Jim WoodReading time: 3 minsIn this article we compare Boca Raton’s progress on increasing non-vehicle transportation mode share to Seattle Washington. We also look at Boca Raton’s Planned Mobility Development Outcomes.
Reading time: 3 minsThere are 3 meetings this week on Vision Zero. The 4:30pm sessions are designed to inform residents about the status of Vision Zero in the city and gather ideas to help the program reach its goals.
The Watchdog
The Center For Arts & Innovation Announces Termination of Agreement With City.
by BocaFirstby BocaFirstReading time: 4 minsThe Center highlighted challenges with fundraising timelines, the need for public sector funding assurances, uncertainty around development rights, and milestone structures.
Reading time: 3 minsCertainly, a grand and ambitious effort to redefine the amphitheater and empty land on the north side of Mizner Park. It would foster art, dance, performance, and art education. A multi- million campus of creativity and entertainment, planned to break ground in 2025, completed in 2029.
Reading time: < 1 minImproving the cycling and pedestrian infrastructure enhances everyone’s quality of life.
Reading time: < 1 minImproving the cycling and pedestrian infrastructure enhances everyone’s quality of life.
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
CRASH INVESTIGATION: A Preventable A1A Crash Fatality.
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 7 minsThe Palm Beach County TPA and Boca Mayor Scott Singer should be screaming bloody murder about this preventable a1a crash. Even cavemen eventually made the connection between sex and babies.