Reading time: 3 minsYou might think that being a Vision Zero City is a just another public relations stunt. It’s not. Vision Zero is in fact a philosophy for developing city transportation infrastructure. It’s focused on the goal of revamping and forging a city where fatalities and serious injuries on roadways are brought down to zero. Vision Zero cities have access to money and methodologies to achieve this goal.
vision zero
Reading time: 3 minsWhile West Palm Beach leads the way and converts its alleys into pedestrian and bike ways, Boca Raton gives its alleys away to developers. We need to utilize our potential and reap the benefits of alternative mobility infrastructure.
Reading time: 3 minsThe US Department of Transportation (USDOT) has recently begun awarding grants to cities for implementing demonstration projects.
Reading time: 2 minsThe City of Boca Raton’s Vision Zero Action Plan RFP. Is it just lip service?
Pedestrian/Bike AdvocacyThe Watchdog
Vision Zero Lessons Learned for Boca Raton from Two Other Cities
by Jim Woodby Jim WoodReading time: 4 minsDallas is a warning to cities who treat Vision Zero as just a press release and fail to implement systemic changes to funding and city staffing.
Better Bike Friendly AdvocatesPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Walk, Bike or Roll to School 2023
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: < 1 minAddison Mizner enjoys a high level of participation in walking, biking and rolling to school. City Council and community leaders came out to experience it. I asked them what they thought about it and the state of mobility in Boca Raton.
Better Bike Friendly AdvocatesPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Better Bike Friendly Advocate – Amy Lang
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: < 1 minHaving lived in cities all over the world, Amy figured out the best way to get around Boca without a car was on an e-scooter.
Reading time: 6 minsThe principle finding was how downtown Boca is upside down: In the place where we have the most to gain by people walking and cycling, we have the worst infrastructure and least safety.
Better Bike Friendly AdvocatesPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Better Bike Friendly Advocate – Dr Louis Merlin
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: < 1 minAs a professor of Urban Planning, he provides insight on why Boca Raton is falling short of being “Bike Friendly”.
Better Bike Friendly AdvocatesPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Better Bike Friendly Advocate – Gabriel Bordeaux
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: < 1 minGabriel and his son commute to Blue Lake elementary and Spanish River Library. He is also an avid cyclist using the El Rio trail and A1A.