Reading time: 7 minsThe Palm Beach County TPA and Boca Mayor Scott Singer should be screaming bloody murder about this preventable a1a crash. Even cavemen eventually made the connection between sex and babies.
Les Wilson
Les Wilson
With 35 years experience at IBM in simplifying complex statistics, systems and data for executive decision making, Les Wilson does research, analysis, video production, graphics and editing at BocaFirst. He is a retired IBM Senior Technical Staff Member in product Research and Development. He has a BS Degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University. Les has lived in Boca since the early '90s, raised a family in several neighborhoods and is an expert resident of South East Boca. He is one of several Bike Advocates at BocaFirst.
Reading time: 6 minsOn a related note, in a special meeting Monday Oct 21, the City Council will vote on Resolution 97-2024 to approve or deny the “Landlord Plan” for the privately funded Center for Arts and Innovation to be built in Mizner Park. With tens of millions raised from donors from around the world, the Center for Arts and Innovation complex would be the crowning jewel and capstone of Boca’s prized Mizner Park.
Boca Viewpoint
The Sky Is Not Falling. Why is A New Boca Government Campus Fast-tracked?
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 8 minsHopefully, the absurdity of fast tracking a TOD/government campus project of this magnitude is grasped and wiser heads prevail.
Reading time: 6 minsPalmetto Park Plaza in Boca Raton is being reimagined by its owner (Selig Enterprises) to “create a better-connected neighborhood shopping experience for years to come”. The Plaza is not without potential to elevate itself from Florida Strip Mall to modern mixed use community hub but the current proposal lacks vision.
Reading time: 6 minsThe notion of creating a “Place” over a “Plaza” will transform this area of Boca Raton. But it is an undertaking that will require leadership and vision from Selig Enterprises plus the cooperation of residents, City planners, County traffic engineers, and the other property owners. Every one benefits. Everyone has a vested interest in its success. But you have to think big.
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Three Things a Better Bike Friendly Boca Raton Would Do
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 5 minsTactical Urbanism is a fast, cheap, action oriented approach to improving the quality of life throughout a city and its surrounds.
Reading time: 6 minsFading away is the old car centric mindset. Our survey shows the Incoming mindset wants safer walking, rolling and cycling to get around.
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Boca’s Citizen Pedestrian and Bike Advisory Board Has an Opening
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: < 1 minIf you want to work toward a better bike friendly in Boca, the board is a great way to work with other like minded fellow residents for change.
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
The Proverbial Crash Waiting to Happen has Happened.
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 3 minsLike Gulfstream, Boca Raton has underinvested in its pedestrian and bike infrastructure at the behest of the attorney toting few but at the cost of everyone else. The Boca Raton Bike Club issued a resolution drawing attention to the Town of Gulfstream for failing to support road improvements to A1A.
Reading time: 5 minsThe bike crash occurred in Gulfstream where A1A is narrow and residents notably have opposed state initiatives to widen and modernize A1A. Are you the problem or the solution?