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Letters From BocaFirst Readers

Letters to Boca First

Write to BocaFirst

Subject: Traffic Enforcement and Ped/Bike Safety

Until the Boca and Palm Beach police departments start to enforce traffic laws, our streets will never be safe for bikes, let alone cars. Riding bikes in the Boca area I notice that not only do cars ignore traffic laws, but so do police officers in marked cars! Maybe educating these officers as to traffic laws should be the first objective of this organization.
Things that once were common place are now ignored, like; stopping at red lights and stop signs, coming to a full stop at a red light BEFORE making a right, followed the speed limit, not driving in the grass to pass someone, signaling, tailgating, etc…

Mitchell Gam
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Subject: Boca’s Vision Zero

As regards bike and pedestrian safety, there was an interesting article in 1/2/25’s Miami Herald. It’s from the New York Times News Service, by Lola Fadulu, titled ‘Walkable’ New York City became deadlier for pedestrians in 2024. New York City adopted Vision Zero in 2014 after having 299 traffic fatalities in 2013. For the next few years, traffic steadily decreased to a low of 206 in 2018. Then fatalities rebounded to an average of 250 per year, and 263 in 2023. Some advocacy groups say the proliferation of e-bikes, scooters and other mechanized ways of navigating the streets has radically changed the city’s landscape and outpaced the efforts of Vision Zero.

Boca is only recently embracing Vision Zero as a concept, and it seems more like PR to attract new residents and businesses than a commitment to change infrastructure. New York’s experience gives our city a chance to learn what has worked and what isn’t working with Vision Zero.

Mac Johnson
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Subject: Boca Raton’s inadequate safety measures

The recent articles highlighting Boca Raton’s inadequate safety measures to ensure the safety of bikers and drivers alike on A1A were
well presented but I think they failed to take into account one very important fact: to widen the bike lanes is important but not at the expense
of reducing the width of the road for drivers! The age and driving abilities of the people who live on A1A and frequent this road the most
must be taken into consideration. To give them (us) less road to maneuver on is increasing the chances for more potential problems.

Hank Barnet
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Subject: Why no protected bike lanes?

I recently spent six days in Boca Raton with my wife, visiting my father, who turned 93. I brought my Brompton bike and cycled mostly on the A1A, which was relatively safe, but the bike lanes are not protected. I fervently hope that Boca Raton and all cities and towns will realize sooner rather than later that improving the cycling and pedestrian infrastructure enhances everyone’s quality of life. I plan to return to Boca with my bike at least two times a year so that I would welcome real protected bike lanes.

Steven Friedman
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Subject: Bring Back 3 Story Buildings

No doubt developers will turn Boca into Miami by building 8 story apartment buildings and condos causing more and more congestion unless city council members are replaced with responsible people interested in maintaining the quality of life. Developers/syndicators build their mega projects and make their money and then leave. It is a political problem that can only be solved by electing better governance. For example, there used to be a building code limiting apartments and buildings to 3 stories, what happened to that restriction? So bring it back?

Alan Moore
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Subject: Boca Needs to be “The Safe City”

The more I get to know the city, the more disgusted I become w/ it! There is such an incredible disconnect between city management / Gov’t. and residents. I sincerely believe that the city manager has trained the council, so they do not understand their role in giving direction to the manager
Basically, the manager sets the agenda and the council appears to be going along for the ride.

What an excellent September newsletter!! 

Joe Graubart
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Subject: Boca Needs to be “The Safe City”

Boca government should take a time out and focus on the safety of its taxpayers. Speeding and running red lights needs immediate attention. It’s very serious and has been serious for some time!! Growth and planning are fine, but I don’t want to be a sacrificial lamb!!Ignoring this VERY serious problem
does not make me feel like my elected government cares about this serious issue!

Instead of being “The Tree City” lets become “The Safe City” ? I think it’s AT LEAST just as important to save lives as it is to save trees! 

Andy V
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Subject: The Zero Plan

Hello, as a 40 year resident of Boca, observing the tolerated carnage and anarchy on our roads, the best place to start is LAW ENFORCEMENT! The blatant disrespect of the law and other motorists by drivers, cyclists, and motorcyclists ( yes you guys too!) is simply outrageous! We need people who drive/ cycle in Boca to KNOW they will be prosecuted for the illegal choices they make. Enough of the excuses of “ lack of resources , law is hard to enforce, we can’t stop all of “them”. It’s disgraceful for a town the size of Boca to have such a huge issue with this. The buck stops with those who have the authority to reduce the behaviors that cause these horrible events! If the powers that be would just start zeroing in on the incredible speeding , on Dixie we’d all hear & see the difference !
No more excuses!

Michael French
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Subject: Special interests control of Boca city council.

I was stunned when I presented to the city council on why the alley for Aletto Sq was 4 to 6 ft short. There was no dsicussion on my issue or any issues brought up other presenters. It was “a slam dunk ” as Alan pointed out. For 40 years I have been involved and this was the first time I saw a total lack of respect for any of us. It was like we are the enemy. Even Fran stuffed us with “Developers have rights”. Build Aletto Sq not the end of Boca but getting close but showing total lack of respect is not right. Elections have consequences lets organize and take back OUR city. Get MAD.

Jack McWalter
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Subject: Just wringing one’s hands will not, can not, preserve Boca Raton.

BocaFirst is doing the necessary job of keeping citizens advised of the proposed and approved construction projects in downtown Boca Raton. It is good to know about these things. But it is necessary to DO something about them. An active effort against these projects at every stage should be designed and adopted. Candidates must be identified for the City Council who will defend the downtown area from these massive constructions. Citizens must get involved personally to appear before the City Council, lobby politicians and other citizens, and form alliances with businesses and other neighborhoods of Boca Raton that are facing similar problems. Something must be done. Just wringing one’s hands will not, can not, preserve Boca Raton.

Antonia Gore
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