Reading time: 7 minsThe Palm Beach County TPA and Boca Mayor Scott Singer should be screaming bloody murder about this preventable a1a crash. Even cavemen eventually made the connection between sex and babies.
better bike friendly
Reading time: 4 minsThe recent cyclist fatal crash highlights Boca Raton A1A safety upgrades needed. The details on…
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Planned A1A Bike Lane Upgrade in Boca Raton is Dangerous by Design
by Jim Woodby Jim WoodReading time: 3 minsFDOT’s incremental upgrades planned for A1A are noncompliant Complete Streets and Vision Zero solutions. They are dangerous by design.
Reading time: 6 minsFading away is the old car centric mindset. Our survey shows the Incoming mindset wants safer walking, rolling and cycling to get around.
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Boca’s Citizen Pedestrian and Bike Advisory Board Has an Opening
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: < 1 minIf you want to work toward a better bike friendly in Boca, the board is a great way to work with other like minded fellow residents for change.
Pedestrian/Bike AdvocacyThe Watchdog
Vision Zero Lessons Learned for Boca Raton from Two Other Cities
by Jim Woodby Jim WoodReading time: 4 minsDallas is a warning to cities who treat Vision Zero as just a press release and fail to implement systemic changes to funding and city staffing.
Pedestrian/Bike AdvocacyThe Watchdog
Cool stuff happening in Boca’s Citizen Pedestrian and Bike Advisory Board
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 2 minsBoca’s Citizen Pedestrian/Bike Advisory Board has been very active advocating for improvements to Boca’s pedestrian infrastructure
Reading time: 6 minsThe principle finding was how downtown Boca is upside down: In the place where we have the most to gain by people walking and cycling, we have the worst infrastructure and least safety.
Reading time: 3 minsThis article focuses on Boca Raton’s roadway crash situation, i.e., the problem to be solved by Vision Zero
Boca ViewpointPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
We have a new East Palmetto Park Rd. Yeah. No.
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 3 minsFor pedestrian/bike safety, it’s the Palm Beach County commission that’s actually doing something for Boca Raton on East Palmetto Park Rd.
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