Opinion articles written by staff or guest writers
Reading time: 3 minsI think there is a likelihood of youth moving back to stay in Boca. That is one of the utmost success indicators of a city’s future.
Opinion articles written by staff or guest writers
Reading time: 3 minsI think there is a likelihood of youth moving back to stay in Boca. That is one of the utmost success indicators of a city’s future.
Reading time: 5 mins It’s possible Crocker Partners will play a waiting game by focusing on the upcoming municipal election in March 2020, by offering financial support to a certain candidate of their choosing and funding friendly PAC’s to dramatically influence the vote and thereby put in place a council member that will do their bidding for Midtown.
Reading time: 4 minsMidtown landowners however, claimed that they were treated unfairly and sued. Led by Crocker Partners, they claimed their development rights were taken away. Rights that the Fifteenth Circuit Court of Palm Beach County have ruled they never had in the first place.
Reading time: 4 minsTwice in recent years, these United Healthcare subscribers received letters warning that Boca Raton Regional Hospital won’t agree to take their insurance.
Reading time: 3 minsNot only is using a new hospital on the table, you may need to find physicians with admitting privileges at the new hospital.
Reading time: 3 minsAs of July 1 2019, Boca Raton Regional Hospital is no longer in the network of United Healthcare. Once again, thousands of Boca residents will be dependent on out-of-town hospital services.
Reading time: 6 minsBoca election laws do not provide for runoffs. So in a 3-way race where the candidate with the most votes is less than 50%, the majority of voters are represented by the candidate of the minority. Ranked Choice Voting fixes this.
Reading time: 6 minsThe city is between a rock and a hard place. We were told several times that the county is going to build a 400’ tower in the area whether the city agrees to this deal or not.
Reading time: 6 minsRight or wrong, when Boca Muni was sold, there was consensus between the city and the District at that time about whether there would be a championship quality golf course within our city limits and about whether they would work together to keep golf in Boca. Those conversations established a level of expectation with the residents, especially within the golf community.
Reading time: 3 minsIt’s not very often a common sense, win-win opportunity is laid in the laps of elected officials. But what if an opportunity presented itself that would allow preservation of Boca’s beachfront and a provide a way to fund a world-class municipal golf course? Who could oppose such a trade?