Home Content CategoryBoca MattersBetter Bike Friendly Advocates Better Bike Friendly Advocate – Gabriel Bordeaux

Better Bike Friendly Advocate – Gabriel Bordeaux

by Les Wilson

As part of our BocaFirst Vision Zero Project, we took our Boca Matters video series out of the studio and onto the street to talk to people about what it’s like to bicycle in Boca Raton. These are real world uses of Boca Raton’s pedestrian/bike infrastructure. In this episode, we profile “Better Bike Friendly” advocate Gabriel Bordeaux. Gabriel is both a family cyclist commuting with his son to school and an avid cyclist with friends.

Better Bike Friendly Advocate Gabriel Bordeaux

PROFILE: Commuter and Avid Cyclist
DESCRIPTION: Gabriel and his son Charlie commute to Blue Lake elementary and Spanish River Library. He is also an avid cyclist using the El Rio trail and A1A.
NOTABLE QUOTE: “Some drivers think if there is no bike lane, cyclists don’t belong. But all over Boca, you can be in a bike lane and then it stops. That is a dangerous situation for everyone.”

You can watch all our Better Bike Friendly Advocate interviews on the BocaFirst YouTube channel here. Or, sign up to be a Better Bike Friendly Boca Advocate and make your voice heard here.

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