Reading time: < 1 minThe police & city officials hzve flagrantly allowed people to extend beyond the end of street when Red light begins.
Reading time: < 1 minThank you Monica Mayotte for being a thought leader on this existential issue.
Reading time: 9 minsWe are asked to believe removing vehicles traveling 15 minutes through a city by highway helps air quality but traveling 15 minutes locally to and from a train station has no adverse air or human health impacts.
Reading time: 3 minsAny agreement, therefore, to sell the City-Owned property to VTUSA at less than Fair Market Value violates City Code and is invalid.
Reading time: 2 minsDevelopment will no longer be based on car traffic, but now greater densities will be allowed under the false pretense that everybody’s going to ride the trains.
Reading time: 3 minsOur Mayor, city staff and Council Members are very good at many things, but they have zero experience in the economics of rail transportation.
Reading time: 5 minsThe FEC system is an economic asset of Florida we take for granted. Its LNG freight trains use the cleanest “well to wheels” fuel to deliver that benefit.
Reading time: 3 minsThe shared use path project was stopped before completion in August, 2019 leaving 0.6 miles incomplete.
Reading time: 3 minsVirgin Trains answers questions about Brightline, the garage location and plans for a TOD parcel on the library property.
Reading time: 3 minsResidents had the opportunity to attend a presentation by one of their own City Council members, Monica Mayotte.