Reading time: 3 minsAnyone interested in good governance should take a few minutes to read it. Decide for yourself how successful the city of Boca Raton is at setting and achieving goals.
Reading time: 2 minsIt appears from the cash flow forecasts that opening the west side of the rebuilt Ocean Breeze course first is the best path forward.
Reading time: < 1 minPrivate citizens have a right to speak their concerns publicly. That right is not only a protected constitutional right but is also no protected by a law
Reading time: 3 minsA year ago, a tenant at the current Boca Raton Innovation Campus was seeking permission from the City to erect a commercial building sign on the the renowned structure.
Reading time: < 1 minPrivate citizens have a right to speak their concerns publicly. That right is not only a protected constitutional right but is also no protected by a law
Reading time: < 1 minI have been saying for years that the key to downtown success is a more walkable, bikeable, liveable downtown that has an integrated alternative transportation system which reaches the beach.
Reading time: 3 minsFree speech. Allowing your speech to be controlled by others allows others to control you. A society in which provocative speech could be punished would be a society alien to America’s founders who, had some pretty provocative ideas of their own.
Reading time: 3 minsOn Jan 27, 2020 the Greater Boca Raton Beach and Park District (The District) met to finalize their joint plan with the City of Boca Raton (City) to rebuild the defunct Ocean Breeze golf course into a municipal golf course. This did not happen.
Reading time: < 1 minIt is imperative to keep the current courses and continue to support golf and use some of the land that is currently being turned into large buildings.
Reading time: < 1 minSubject: Plastic and Trash on the Beach. I walk the south beach of Boca everyday…