Reading time: 7 minsOur results are presented without commentary and to the best of our ability, without bias because we need to be in this together.
boca politics
Reading time: < 1 minTake care you don’t shoot yourselves in the foot with this bright idea.
Reading time: < 1 minTake care you don’t shoot yourselves in the foot with this bright idea.
Reading time: 3 minsThe next step is for the City Council to decide on the Wildflower/Silver Palm Park site plans; however, this item is currently not on a City Council agenda.
Reading time: 3 minsAnyone interested in good governance should take a few minutes to read it. Decide for yourself how successful the city of Boca Raton is at setting and achieving goals.
Reading time: 2 minsIt appears from the cash flow forecasts that opening the west side of the rebuilt Ocean Breeze course first is the best path forward.
Reading time: < 1 minPrivate citizens have a right to speak their concerns publicly. That right is not only a protected constitutional right but is also no protected by a law
Reading time: 2 minsIt’s been a while since the last “Downtown” Boca development skirmish, so it seems an opportune time to step back and take stock.
Reading time: < 1 minPrivate citizens have a right to speak their concerns publicly. That right is not only a protected constitutional right but is also no protected by a law
Reading time: < 1 minI have been saying for years that the key to downtown success is a more walkable, bikeable, liveable downtown that has an integrated alternative transportation system which reaches the beach.