Reading time: 7 minsAs a resident advocate blog, we advocate for livability, walkability and whatnot. In this case, 40 year resident land use attorney Bonnie Miskell is one of us and gives the lowdown on the government campus proposals.
Reading time: 4 minsMayor Singer is clearly the main driver accelerating the Government Campus project into the current request for proposal process telling staff to make the process end on April 1. And if criticized for fast-tracking the redevelopment, Mayor Singer says they’ve been “talking about it” for two years. While true, context matters.
Boca ViewpointPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
A Look at Boca Raton’s Planned Mobility Development Outcomes
by Jim Woodby Jim WoodReading time: 3 minsIn this article we compare Boca Raton’s progress on increasing non-vehicle transportation mode share to Seattle Washington. We also look at Boca Raton’s Planned Mobility Development Outcomes.
Boca Viewpoint
The Sky Is Not Falling. Why is A New Boca Government Campus Fast-tracked?
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 8 minsHopefully, the absurdity of fast tracking a TOD/government campus project of this magnitude is grasped and wiser heads prevail.
Reading time: 3 minsBoca Raton recently implemented bike boxes on NE and NW 2nd Streets in the downtown as part of the changes to these streets to accommodate the Brightline station.
Reading time: < 1 minBrightline changed the route so that it now allows Disney Visitors to get out of Disney World to visit Universal and other area attractions.
Reading time: < 1 minSubject: Brightline/VirginTrainsUSA Take a look at California’s bullet train project progress so far after 15 or…
Reading time: < 1 minSubject: Brightline/VirginTrainsUSA Thank you Boca First for keeping us informed every step of the way,…
Reading time: < 1 minSubject: Brightline/VirginTrainsUSA Boca Raton does not need another train station. City taxpayers should vote on…
Reading time: 9 minsWe are asked to believe removing vehicles traveling 15 minutes through a city by highway helps air quality but traveling 15 minutes locally to and from a train station has no adverse air or human health impacts.