In case you missed it on our Facebook Page, former Boca Raton City Council Member Anthony Mahjess and current captain at Palm Beach County Fire Rescue took note of our article Brightline: Unpacking the Private – Public Partnership and commented:
All Aboard Florida (Brightline) has been all about the planned land grab since day one. It’s a brilliant scheme. And it’s not just Boca; it’s going to be every station that comes on line. And it’s not just going to be the stations. It’s going to be the future modification of land use regulations in a radius around the stations (originally suggested to be half mile). So development will no longer be based on car traffic, but now greater densities will be allowed under the false pretense that everybody’s going to ride the trains.
While I think it’s cool that I will be able to get on the train and easily ride to Miami, the drawback is that this station is going to be a giant traffic magnet for everybody coming in from West Boca Delray and Deerfield to use the station during peak traffic times. I hope City Council doesn’t miss the forest for the trees. Great article Mr Panella.
Anthony Mahjess – Former Boca Raton City Council Member

For more about FEC freight trains, see our companion article FEC Freight Trains: Cleaner than you think.