Reading time: 2 mins The final decision on how Beach and Parks will approach the City was that Mr Fazio (the architect of the proposed design) will present the design to the City on June 10 in its workshop.
Boca Viewpoint
Government in the Sunshine: It has nothing to do with Florida
by Joe Panellaby Joe PanellaReading time: 1 min For the sake of transparency in local government, Boca Raton could exhibit world class leadership and eliminate private discussions between city councilors, board members and those with business interests before the city.
Reading time: < 1 min Council Member O’Rourke brings us up to speed on city issues and quashes fake news rumors coming from the blogosphere.
Reading time: < 1 min Palmetto Park Road, in many ways, is the backbone of our downtown. Its initial purpose was to provide access to beaches and homes on the barrier island and it remains route of top priority for emergency services. Doug discusses what’s needed and how we can get there.
Reading time: 3 mins There are numerous examples of communities in the United States getting serious about cycling growth. Hiring a consultant for a million dollars to specify what to do in Boca is not needed as the criteria is clearly described in the requirements for BFC awards.
Boca Viewpoint
Boca Bike Lanes: “To be or not to be – that is the question.”
by Joe Graubartby Joe GraubartReading time: 3 mins Boca Raton’s government, both elected and not, have this same responsibility to protect its residents, their children and visitors by enhancing public safety rather than dismantling it.
Reading time: < 1 min Art Koski reflects on his decades long career with Boca’s Beach & Parks District saving green space, preserving beaches and creating community parks.
Reading time: 6 mins The debacle at Camino Real and Dixie is arguably the result of a previous CRA. Fixing it now requires a leader to emerge. An improved roadway and comprehensive pedestrian/bike plan would be a win-win for everyone.
Reading time: 2 mins Your input is one of our most valuable resources. Questions, comments and concerns become the basis of future editions, and your donation dollars ensure that the wheels keep turning.
Reading time: 5 mins This area could be a poster child for mixed use and walkability. There is room on the Fresh Market and Plaza 1 properties for dual pedestrian/bike ways. But all the property owners need to cooperate.