Reading time: 3 minsBoca Raton’s government, both elected and not, have this same responsibility to protect its residents, their children and visitors by enhancing public safety rather than dismantling it.
boca raton
Reading time: < 1 minArt Koski reflects on his decades long career with Boca’s Beach & Parks District saving green space, preserving beaches and creating community parks.
Reading time: 6 minsThe debacle at Camino Real and Dixie is arguably the result of a previous CRA. Fixing it now requires a leader to emerge. An improved roadway and comprehensive pedestrian/bike plan would be a win-win for everyone.
Reading time: 2 minsPalm Beach County schools have proposed a 2020-2021 Academic Calendar with the first day of…
Reading time: 2 minsYour input is one of our most valuable resources. Questions, comments and concerns become the basis of future editions, and your donation dollars ensure that the wheels keep turning.
Reading time: 5 minsThis area could be a poster child for mixed use and walkability. There is room on the Fresh Market and Plaza 1 properties for dual pedestrian/bike ways. But all the property owners need to cooperate.
Reading time: 6 minsI’d think it would result in improved property values for the area but only if the comprehensive approach that compensates not punishes the residents and businesses. The pedestrian/bike ways must be made a condition of the approval.
The Watchdog
Car Dealership Ordinance: Follow-up from the Business Leaders Involved
by Jim Woodby Jim WoodReading time: < 1 minThe following letter from the applicant considers the points from the BocaFirst article and is asking City Staff to change the proposed ordinance
Reading time: < 1 minUsing vintage photos, former Boca CRA Chairperson Jorge Comejo describes Boca’s blighted 1980’s and the circumstances that led to the creation of Mizner Park.
Reading time: 3 minsRCV reduces the incentive for negative campaigning because legitimate candidates are better served by seeking…