Home Content CategoryThe Watchdog Wildflower/Silver Palm Park Tracker Update – February 13, 2022

Wildflower/Silver Palm Park Tracker Update – February 13, 2022

by Jim Wood

This article provides information on the status of the Wildflower Park and Silver Palm Park enhancements as well as information on when they might be completed. The Wildflower Park seawall replacement project is now completed and work is underway on the features for the two parks. The estimated completion date for Silver Palm Park is delayed. A graphic schedule is presented at the end of this article.


In my previous article “Wildflower Past, Present and Future“, I provided background going back as far as 1914 on the Wildflower and Silver Palm Parks. it also provides links to more information on those projects.

The City of Boca Raton web site also provides updates on these projects under the Waterfront Parks & Master Plan section.. See the April 13, 2021 update for a description of the features planned for the parks.

Following are discussions on the Wildflower Seawall and Wildflower and Silver Palm Park feature enhancement projects. All pics were taken on February 14, 2022.

Wildflower Park Seawall

The City issued a Notice to Proceed on December 18, 2020 for the staging of seawall replacement equipment on the site. Another Notice to Proceed for seawall construction was issued on January 20, 2021. The contract specifies that construction is to be completed in 270 days, which would be October 17, 2021, or the construction company would be liable to the City for $750/day liquidated damages until the project is complete.

As shown in the above pic, the Wildflower seawall project is now complete. Substantial construction completion of the Wildflower Park seawall project was on 12/15/2021. The contractor was fully demobilized from the project site by the end of the day on 12/17/2021.

Silver Palm Park

The City issued a Notice to Proceed on September 7, 2021 for the construction of Silver Palm Park features. The contract covers both Silver Palm Park and Wildflower Park. Although the specified construction completion date is August 13, 2022, the City estimated that Silver Palm Park construction would be completed by March 7, 2022. The August completion date is for Wildflower Park.

The Silver Palm Park completion schedule is delayed and the latest estimate is that park construction will be complete on June 30, 2022.

Wildflower Park

The City issued a Notice to Proceed on September 7, 2021 for the construction of Wildflower Park features. Contracted completion is specified on August 13, 2022. The construction company is liable for $1,000/day liquidated damages if the construction is not completed by August 13.

The above pic shows construction of Wildflower Park features. Seawall construction is now complete.


The schedule is updated to include completion of the Wildflower Park seawall replacement project and the Silver Palm Park project completion delay.


This article provides updates on the completion of the Wildflower Seawall Replacement construction project as well updates on the Wildflower Park and Silver Palm Park feature construction projects. BocaFirst will continue to monitor progress of these projects. 

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