Reading time: 2 minsThe editors at WPTV, Sun Sentinel and Boca Mag won’t let their reporters tell the NOALF side of the story. So we are. #shame #noalf
park square
Reading time: 6 minsThe Sun Sentinel and others would have you believe that the application for Park Square in Boca Raton is about an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) and that Boca is in dire need of one. It’s not and Boca isn’t.
The Watchdog
Zoning Change Alert: Council Looks at Adding Hi-Rises to Neighborhoods.
by Holli Suttonby Holli SuttonReading time: 4 minsBoca Raton’s single-family housing is under attack. A developer’s proposal requests new residential zoning that allows multi-family buildings in a single-family residential district.