Upon hitting middle age, athlete turned author, Gary Greenberg’s beer consumption contributed to a slow but steady weight gain. Tapping into his knowledge of natural health, he adjusted his diet and lifestyle in ways that allow him to drink his favorite craft beers and his own homebrew without gaining weight in his book, The Beer Diet. On Episode X (10) of the Boca Soul Connexion/Boca Soul X, Nile Fortner discusses Gary Greenberg, what his book has to offer, the health benefits behind beer, and more on this podcast episode..
On episode six of the Boca Soul Connexion/BocaSoulX, Nile Fortner speaks with Bryan Rammel of Smart for Life. Rammel discusses with Nile, how these treats such as protein bars, shakes, and even the cookie diet (yes cookies) can offer nutritional value. Rammel also discusses with Nile how this differs from other nutritional/weight loss programs, how not to fall victim to the quarantine 15, and a lot more on this podcast episode.
Inspired by the colorful pages of comic books and pop culture, artist J. Brisbee a.k.a. Dark Knight Artist, has been creating art ever since he was a child. On episode 3 of the Boca Soul Connexion, the Dark Knight Artist discusses with Nile Fortner the growth of pop art, the possible growth and change to the Boca art scene, and more on this podcast episode.