Reading time: < 1 min It is imperative to keep the current courses and continue to support golf and use some of the land that is currently being turned into large buildings.
boca teeca
Reading time: 3 mins The “golf in Boca” story is long, sordid, and full of details and minutiae that could be – have been – argued for years. What can you do?
Reading time: < 1 min The Price/Fazio plan for Boca National Golf Course was designed with resident’s input with the goal of having a successful, modern municipal golf facility.
Reading time: < 1 min Many residences in Boca Teeca have been sold with the promise of a world class golf course. This entered into the decision making of many future residents but also the sales price paid. Even if they’re not avid golfers they might like to have a stunning view out their window.