Reading time: < 1 minBoca government should take a time out and focus on the safety of its taxpayers.
boca raton city council
Reading time: 6 minsWith all that’s going up (approved and in the planning stage) in downtown Boca these days, the acronym should be NIMFY—not in my front yard.
Reading time: 6 minsThe principle finding was how downtown Boca is upside down: In the place where we have the most to gain by people walking and cycling, we have the worst infrastructure and least safety.
Reading time: < 1 minIf the powers that be would just start zeroing in on the incredible speeding , on Dixie we’d all hear & see the difference !
Pedestrian/Bike AdvocacyThe Watchdog
The County Weighs in on East Palmetto Park Rd Bike Lanes and More
by Katie Barrby Katie BarrReading time: 3 minsCounty commissioner, Marci Woodward, attended the city council workshop to make it known the county takes residents concerns seriously.
Reading time: < 1 minElections have consequences lets organize and take back OUR city. Get MAD.
Reading time: < 1 minJust wringing one’s hands will not, can not, preserve Boca Raton.
Reading time: 4 minsIt looks like another done deal. This time it’s the proposed hotel to replace the Mizner Plaza shopping center and downtown post office
Reading time: 4 minsBreadcrumbs sometimes lead to the true fairness of the quasi-judicial process of City Council and CRA meetings
Reading time: 3 minsSometimes we lose track that we have a representative democracy. Rather than a direct democracy, where the public votes on everything, we elect representatives to serve in our place. We pick representatives that have demonstrated they align with the beliefs and wishes of their constituents.