Reading time: 7 minsShowing the project was ill-conceived in this economic environment, Aletto is converting to residential units after bring approved as Class A office space.
boca raton city council
Reading time: 5 minsTaking control of pushing their pet projects through the system, Boca’s Council bypassed staff and resident objections to the beleaguered Aletto hi-rise downtown. Vote wisely March 19th.
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
The Proverbial Crash Waiting to Happen has Happened.
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 3 minsLike Gulfstream, Boca Raton has underinvested in its pedestrian and bike infrastructure at the behest of the attorney toting few but at the cost of everyone else. The Boca Raton Bike Club issued a resolution drawing attention to the Town of Gulfstream for failing to support road improvements to A1A.
Reading time: 5 minsThe bike crash occurred in Gulfstream where A1A is narrow and residents notably have opposed state initiatives to widen and modernize A1A. Are you the problem or the solution?
Pedestrian/Bike AdvocacyThe Watchdog
Vision Zero Lessons Learned for Boca Raton from Two Other Cities
by Jim Woodby Jim WoodReading time: 4 minsDallas is a warning to cities who treat Vision Zero as just a press release and fail to implement systemic changes to funding and city staffing.
Better Bike Friendly AdvocatesPedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Walk, Bike or Roll to School 2023
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: < 1 minAddison Mizner enjoys a high level of participation in walking, biking and rolling to school. City Council and community leaders came out to experience it. I asked them what they thought about it and the state of mobility in Boca Raton.
Reading time: 4 minsBoca Raton is celebrating Mobility Week. The idea is to try out Boca’s pedestrian and bike infrastructure instead of a car.
Reading time: 4 minsWhen it comes to standing up to developers, city council has a bite without teeth.
Reading time: < 1 minIt is a political problem that can only be solved by electing better governance.
Reading time: < 1 minBoca government should take a time out and focus on the safety of its taxpayers.