Reading time: < 1 minImproving the cycling and pedestrian infrastructure enhances everyone’s quality of life.
Reading time: < 1 minImproving the cycling and pedestrian infrastructure enhances everyone’s quality of life.
Reading time: 3 minsYou might think that being a Vision Zero City is a just another public relations stunt. It’s not. Vision Zero is in fact a philosophy for developing city transportation infrastructure. It’s focused on the goal of revamping and forging a city where fatalities and serious injuries on roadways are brought down to zero. Vision Zero cities have access to money and methodologies to achieve this goal.
Reading time: 3 minsWhile West Palm Beach leads the way and converts its alleys into pedestrian and bike ways, Boca Raton gives its alleys away to developers. We need to utilize our potential and reap the benefits of alternative mobility infrastructure.
Reading time: 2 minsThe city is processing a $4,000,000 USDOT Planning and Demonstration Grant. A map of the proposed uses for the $4M grant by fellow BocaFirst Bike Advocate Les Wilson is included here.
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
A Minimum Grid (aka Bicycle Spine Network) for Boca Raton.
by Jim Woodby Jim WoodReading time: 3 minsThe lack of bicycle infrastructure connectivity or grid is a major barrier to increasing bicycle ridership in Boca Raton.
Pedestrian/Bike Advocacy
Three Things a Better Bike Friendly Boca Raton Would Do
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 5 minsTactical Urbanism is a fast, cheap, action oriented approach to improving the quality of life throughout a city and its surrounds.
Reading time: 3 minsThe US Department of Transportation (USDOT) has recently begun awarding grants to cities for implementing demonstration projects.
Reading time: < 1 minImproving the cycling and pedestrian infrastructure enhances everyone’s quality of life.
Reading time: 3 minsIntroduction The Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) planned A1A upgrade in Boca Raton does not…
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