BocaFirst is interested to help give voice your experience dealing with the impasse between United Healthcare and Boca Regional Hospital. Let us know by filling out this form. See the fine print below. The maximum length is 200 words. All letters must provide the name of the writer which will NOT BE published.
In writing BocaFirst, the writer maintains the copyright ownership of the letter and grant the following: BocaFirst may publish the letter by email, website and social media but will identify the source as a “BocaFirst reader”. BocaFirst reads all letters submitted. Letters may be edited for clarity. BocaFirst reserves the right to refuse any Letter to the Editor it discovers to have been copyrighted or printed/posted in another publication or blog. In addition, BocaFirst reserves the right to refuse any Letter to the Editor it deems to be, but not limited to: Profane, Obscene, Threatening, Discriminatory, Promotional, or potentially libelous.