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Holli Sutton

Ordinance 5610: An Open Letter to the Mayor and Boca City Council

by Holli Sutton

Dear Mayor Singer and City Council Members,

Thank you for your commitment to making our city a better place. I am providing my support for proposed Ordinance 5610.

It was wonderful to receive notification that the proposed Assisted Living Facility (ALF) at 2 SW 12th Ave was rejected by City Staff after the applicant failed to resubmit an updated site plan and a comprehensive plan change per the city’s requirement. I believe the applicant has stated opposition to proposed Ordinance 5610 because of their hope of substantial profits from the proposed ALF at 2 SW 12th Ave (NOALF: It’s not about an assisted Living Facility). 

For the good of Boca Raton and all it’s single family residential zones, I request you approve proposed Ordinance 5610.

On March 14, 2022 the City Staff approved proposed Ordinance 5610 and on April 7, 2022, the Planning and Zoning Board voted to recommend that City Council approve proposed Ordinance 5610.

Ordinance 5610 is just a housekeeping change

The proposed ordinance clarifies language in the land density use section of the comprehensive plan. In particular, Policy LU.1.1.6 is being clarified. Attachment 1 shows the current language and Attachment 2 shows the proposed language. The “**” and the footnoted text are being removed and the clarifying Note is being inserted.

The proposed Park Square ALF does not encourage the most appropriate use of land, nor does it effectively deal with future problems by answering acknowledged and noted issues regarding previous staff comments. I am proud of the City Staff for saying that wasn’t good enough and rejecting this application. Now the applicant wishes to use the double asterisk language in LU.1.1.6 as an argument that the use is permissible. I approve of proposed Ordinance 5610. I support City Staffs’ analysis that none of the uses listed in the density/intensity limitation note are and nor should be permissible in the RL future land use category.  The allowed uses are here. For the good of Boca Raton and all it’s single family residential zones, I request you approve proposed Ordinance 5610.

Thank you,
Holli Sutton

Policy LU.1.1.6 is being clarified by Ord 5610
Attachment 1 – Policy LU.1.1.6 is being clarified by Ord 5610
Housekeeping Update to Policy LU.1.1.6 is being clarified by Ord 5610
Attachment 2 – Housekeeping Update to Policy LU.1.1.6 is being clarified by Ord 5610

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