Home Letters From BocaFirst Readers October 17 2019 – Marie Berman

October 17 2019 – Marie Berman

by BocaFirst Reader

Subject: Home Insurance Scams

My insurance company Lexington insurance has now completely stopped doing business in Boca Raton due to scams between public insurance reps, contractors and lawyers. Apparently when a home owner has an issue, for example a flood, the lawyer has the homeowner sign something so the insurance company is not negotiating with the homeowner, only the lawyer . Apparently the public insurance reps, contractor and lawyers are in cahoots driving insurance claims sky high .
My insurance was $5,300 for great coverage .
Now I received quotes for $11,000-$19,000.
The $19,000 highest was Citizens, the government option!
This is a disgrace and needs to be investigated and laws put into place to control the scammers .
This will cause Boca to become a ‘Do Not Buy City’ .

Marie Berman

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