Home Letters From BocaFirst Readers February 18 2020 – Steve Utrecht

February 18 2020 – Steve Utrecht

by BocaFirst Reader

Subject: East Boca infrastructure needs 

I have been saying for years that the key to downtown success is a more walkable, bikeable, liveable downtown that has an integrated alternative transportation system which reaches the beach. There is no other city in South Florida that has the ocean so directly connected to its downtown. Palmetto Park, by reason of its direct connection to both the ocean and the downtown is the most intrinsically valuable street in all of South Florida. Palmetto Park Rd. despite being that unique and extremely rare and valuable asset, still has great needs for investment in infrastructure and remains an unbalanced and has been less than progressively developed. I have also been saying for years that there are huge pockets of neglected infrastructure that makes this section of our City less connected to the ocean by walking or biking rather than more connected. The time has come to rethink this aspect of our city planning. There are ways to shape codes to accomplish this goal. First and foremost it requires vision. A balanced vision that leaves room for investment but requires developer contribution in exchange for enhanced development rights. 

Steve Utrecht

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