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Letters From BocaFirst Readers

Letters to Boca First

Write to BocaFirst

Subject:  The Sweet Sound of Silence 

Take care you don’t shoot yourselves in the foot with this bright idea. This gentry loves its creature comforts. Moreover, the downtown attracts patrons from the 4 points of the compass and at hours which extend well into the late evening. It’s not like the city sports a high end mass transportation system or an equally fine Uber livery behind the three-pointed star. In Manhattan, there’s a segment of ‘fine diners’ who never see the inside of the subway. It’s not their gig. Much like L.A., this region was built on an infrastructure of roads and private vehicles. You can turn your roadways into walkways, but the public will still need to drive to them, and store their vehicle somewhere. There’s an open parking field in Mizner on which a six story garage might stand. Give that a thought.

Arne Rossel
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Subject:  The Sweet Sound of Silence 

Traffic will rebound ASAP as soon as the pandemic abates. There is no incentive and we’ve seen no past history from our city leaders, where they have any interest in attacking the traffic problems in Boca Raton. The addition of 5000 condos in downtown makes parking difficult and no attempt has been made to tackle the east/west rush-hour traffic issue. 

Some say Brightline is a step in the right direction but A $50 round-trip ticket to Miami is not going to reduce traffic it’s not affordable for commuters. When Mayor Singer cites the flawed/dangerous traffic crossing signs on Palmetto Park Avenue as progress for our infrastructure you know it’s not going to get any better. 

Scott Shabot
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Subject:  Boca Town Center Mall Safety 

Despite the unsolved crimes at Boca Town Center attention doesn’t seem to be paid to how dark the parking lots are. While there is valet parking available, I don’t think shoppers should be forced to use the valet as the only safe alternative to parking in a parking lot. Around Macy’s there are so many dark areas that simply are places perfect for crimes to take place. Retail complains about the lack of shoppers but making parking lots safer should be a first step. 

Janis Ehlers 
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Subject:  In Defense of Free Speech  

Private citizens have a right to speak their concerns publicly. That right is not only a protected constitutional right but is also no protected by a law that provides every citizen civil remedies if the have been retaliated against for exercising their rights. Ask an attorney about Florida’s “SLAPP Act” If anyone has been sued by a public figure for speaking their mind or opposing that public figure they have extraordinary remedies set forth in a law enacted in 2011 which provides strong civil remedies designed to remedy the harm cause by a public official seeking to suppress their voice through the use of court actions to suppress their free speech. 

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Subject: East Boca infrastructure needs 

I have been saying for years that the key to downtown success is a more walkable, bikeable, liveable downtown that has an integrated alternative transportation system which reaches the beach. There is no other city in South Florida that has the ocean so directly connected to its downtown. Palmetto Park, by reason of its direct connection to both the ocean and the downtown is the most intrinsically valuable street in all of South Florida. Palmetto Park Rd. despite being that unique and extremely rare and valuable asset, still has great needs for investment in infrastructure and remains an unbalanced and has been less than progressively developed. I have also been saying for years that there are huge pockets of neglected infrastructure that makes this section of our City less connected to the ocean by walking or biking rather than more connected. The time has come to rethink this aspect of our city planning. There are ways to shape codes to accomplish this goal. First and foremost it requires vision. A balanced vision that leaves room for investment but requires developer contribution in exchange for enhanced development rights. 

Steve Utrecht
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Subject: Golf courses in Boca.

It is imperative to keep the current courses and continue to  support golf and use some of the land that is currently being turned into large buildings. I have written before and expressed my opinion about the growth of Boca. We have been and currently are a beautiful relatively small city that is supported and enjoyed by the 

current residents. Why is it that the Commissioners want to turn what we have and enjoy into a large metropolis Ridiculous.

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Subject: Traffic at major commuting times & safety 

The police & city officials hzve flagrantly allowed people to extend beyond the end of street when Red light begins. 

This makes a bad safety concern because Emergency vehicles cannot cross an intersection that is clogged w vehicles. 

Palmetto at Dixie & Palmetto at Federal Hwy. 

1st St. At Dixie and Federal Hwy 

Very annoying as well when traffic does not flow. 

Nrxt subject is city owned vehicles including Police that do not use turn signals! 

Just Bad.

Gary I Berg
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Subject: Sea level rise doesn’t know municipal boundaries 

Thank you Monica Mayotte for being a thought leader on this existential issue. Unfortunately the climate change debate is more a matter of politics and economics than of science and technology. The engineer Saul Griffith said that dealing with global warming is not like the Manhattan Project—it’s like the whole of World War II but with everyone on the same side. He was only half right because we are not all on the same side. Not yet, anyway. Getting leaders who are inspired by these huge challenges, rather than burying their heads in the sand, would be a big step in the right direction.

Ian MacDougall
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Subject: Brightline/VirginTrainsUSA

Take a look at California’s bullet train project progress so far after 15 or more years ? Nobody is going to ride Brightline’s train with only 3 other stops in places they don’t want to go! If we want to go back in time in regards to travel modes , why not just bring back the horse and buggy??? Really, who’s in charge here ?

Michael Mealer
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