Opinion articles written by staff or guest writers
Reading time: 3 mins Ordinance No. 5637 will be introduced by Mayor Scott Singer to extend the term lengths set in the City Charter.
Opinion articles written by staff or guest writers
Reading time: 3 mins Ordinance No. 5637 will be introduced by Mayor Scott Singer to extend the term lengths set in the City Charter.
Reading time: 5 mins The City of Boca Raton has three east-west roads that go all the way to the ocean. None of them have bike lanes that reach it. NONE.
Reading time: 9 mins Boca Raton has a requirement that all buildings have open space. It is an admirable…
Reading time: 8 mins Boca Raton has a requirement that all buildings have open space. It is an admirable…
Reading time: 5 mins the city manager resorted to a cacophony of excuses punctuated with indignation at his being called accountable about East Palmetto during public comments.
Reading time: 2 mins Dear Mayor Singer and City Council Members, Thank you for your commitment to making our city…
Reading time: 3 mins NIMBY has been weaponized by property development companies against residents or anyone else who protests against their project.
Reading time: 6 mins The Sun Sentinel and others would have you believe that the application for Park Square in Boca Raton is about an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) and that Boca is in dire need of one. It’s not and Boca isn’t.
Reading time: 3 mins This is a massive three-building project that would dominate over Sanborn Square. In fact, the developer, the same who brought us Tower 155, recently told a group of residents that it will give us a “Chicago setting” in downtown Boca.
Reading time: 4 mins The stroll along Palmetto Beachside is about 1400 linear feet from the bridge to A1A, but the road here gets more foot traffic than any other section of Palmetto. Aside from one crosswalk and light at the corner of A1A and Palmetto there are no other safety measures in place east of the bridge.