Home Content CategoryPedestrian/Bike Advocacy Boca Raton’s Vision Zero Neighborhood Outreach
VZ Outreach Meetings

Boca Raton’s Vision Zero Neighborhood Outreach

by Jim Wood

There are three chances this week to be involved in Boca’s Vision Zero plan. You can do so by attending one of these sessions at various locations and on various topics. Heck, go to all three! The sessions are designed to learn about the status of Vision Zero in the city and provide your ideas to help the program reach its goals. Boca’s Mobility Director Nathan George often speaks about the importance of “local knowledge” in the planning phase. Details regarding this week’s meetings can be found here: Vision Zero | Boca Raton, FL

Boca Raton’s Vision Zero neighborhood outreach program has scheduled three sessions as follows:

VZ Meetings

Our A1A Survey has been extended to the end of January

A1A has been in the news again but for the wrong reason. A pedestrian was critically injured by a turning car on January 16 while crossing a Condo driveway in the 2700 block of North Ocean Blvd. There is much interest in our survey on A1A but because the January Bike Board was cancelled, we can extend our survey to the end of January. If you walk, jog, ride or drive A1A, our survey is a chance to inform the TPA and FDOT about your experiences and ideas to make it safer. You can request a survey here: Can A1A be Safe for Drivers, Pedestrians and Cyclists? – BocaFirst

Can A1A be Safe?
Can A1A be Safe? Take our survey.

Vision Zero Background

Boca Raton’s Vision Zero background information can be found here: Boca is a Vision Zero City. The Real Deal. – BocaFirst. Look here for Vision Zero information: About | Vision Zero Network

The Vision Zero action plan specifies the activities required to eliminate serious injuries and fatalities on Boca Raton’s roadways. Also included in the action plan will be a schedule for reaching this milestone.

Recent Vision Zero Progress

This section discusses the updates shown in the following Vision Zero Action Plan Progress Tracker.

Neighborhood Meetings

As discussed in the first section of this article, details are available for the three neighborhood meetings

USDOT Planning and Demonstration Grant Agreement

The city was awarded $4M by the USDOT to perform planning and demonstration projects in support of the Action Plan. To start receiving the funds the city must agree to terms and conditions set by the USDOT. The goal is to complete this grant agreement by 1/28/2025.


A status update to Boca Raton’s Vision Zero Progress Tracker is provided. This update includes details on Boca Raton’s Vision Zero neighborhood outreach plans. Also included is a schedule update for completing the USDOT Grant Agreement. BocaFirst will continue to monitor and report on the progress of Vision Zero in Boca Raton.

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