Reading time: 4 minsYou might expect a welcoming beautiful introduction to the beach with wonderful pedestrian and bike infrastructure. But you would be wrong.
Les Wilson
Les Wilson
With 35 years experience at IBM in simplifying complex statistics, systems and data for executive decision making, Les Wilson does research, analysis, video production, graphics and editing at BocaFirst. He is a retired IBM Senior Technical Staff Member in product Research and Development. He has a BS Degree in Computer Science from Rutgers University. Les has lived in Boca since the early '90s, raised a family in several neighborhoods and is an expert resident of South East Boca. He is one of several Bike Advocates at BocaFirst.
Reading time: 6 minsEnough has to be enough. They chip away at our single-family districts, small steps at a time, until they won’t exist. New Dixie Boca failed.
Reading time: 5 minsThe City of Boca Raton has three east-west roads that go all the way to the ocean. None of them have bike lanes that reach it. NONE.
Reading time: 3 minsIs this move to change residential zoning laws to allow ALFs nothing more than move to create more land for high density development? If so, might we see an effort to raise the cap on developing the downtown district?
Reading time: 6 minsThe Sun Sentinel and others would have you believe that the application for Park Square in Boca Raton is about an Assisted Living Facility (ALF) and that Boca is in dire need of one. It’s not and Boca isn’t.
Reading time: 4 minsAllowing your speech to be controlled by others allows others to control you. A society in which provocative speech could be punished would be a society alien to America’s founders who, had some pretty provocative ideas of their own.
Boca ViewpointCOVID Trackers
It’s been 3 weeks since FL moved to Phase 3
by Les Wilsonby Les WilsonReading time: 6 minsThe ultimate effect of the COVID pandemic is its death toll and economic damage. Florida’s Case Fatality Rate says Floridians have handled COVID while enjoying the social and economic benefits of Phase 1 & 2. Residents are free to choose their activities and risk.
Reading time: 4 minsWhile Florida passes the NY, NJ, CT criteria based on the percentage of positive test results versus the number of tests given, it fails based on the percentage of cases in the state population.
Reading time: 8 minsFor you, getting COVID may not mean a death sentence. It could mean a hospitalization. Or it could mean a couple sick days off. But for some, it’s deadly.
Reading time: 3 minsPalm Beach County COVID-19 metrics shifted in new directions in June; namely, the number of cases and average age.