Reading time: 5 minsAn open letter to Boca Raton’s CRA regarding. Keep Bronx out of Boca by rejecting the proposed development at 343 E. Royal Palm Road.
Judith Teller Kaye

Judith Teller Kaye
Judy is a long time volunteer and community activist. She and another Board member from the Friends of the Library led the successful effort to lobby City Council to build the Downtown Library. She was the treasurer of the Royal Palm Yacht & CC's homeowner association for over 10 years. She is currently an officer on the board of her Downtown Boca condo building. She is a former Board member of the Boca Raton Federation of HOA Associations. She is a former member of the Boca Raton Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board and has been an advocate at multiple City Council meetings for Downtown bicycle and pedestrian safety. Professionally, she was a partner with Accenture, the global consulting and technology firm.
Reading time: 4 minsAmendments to Ordinance 4035 do not solve major problems, and fail to prevent Boca from becoming The Bronx due to unreasonable development.
Reading time: 2 minsIn her usual down to earth manner, Dolly Parton famously tweeted “If you try to…